VoIP Ethernet Capture on a ProSBC
This article applies to:
3.1, 3.3
Capturing VoIP and Ethernet traffic
Connect to the SBC using a ssh connection
Start tbx_cli_tools_remote (type "tbx_cli_tools_remote")
The following is displayed:
Connect to the tbrouter application
Start capture using the 'p' key (lowercase p), leave default parameters and press 'enter'
Stop capture using the 'p' key (lowercase p)
Retrieve VoIP captures
VoIP capture files (pcap/Wireshark compatible) are locate here:
To download the voip capture file, use sFTP on the management port. This can be done on Windows using tools like Filezilla or WinSCP. Note: There can be multiple capture files per capture session (for example, on systems with 10Gbps network devices, because Ethernet packets on these devices are spread to multiple packets processing/capture cores)
Last updated
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