Creating a SIP Registrar
Applies to version(s): v3.0
A SIP registrar represents a SIP endpoint that provide a location service. You must configure SIP Registrar for your system. The first step in doing so is to select your SIP Domain:
1- Click on your domain in the SIP Domain List
2- Click Create New SIP Registration Registrar
3- Create the new SIP Registration Registrar
Enter a Name for the SIP Registration Registrar
Enter an Address to reach the registrar
Select the registrar destination Port
Select which local interface will be use to send REGISTER message in SIP Transport Server
Poll Registrar enabled by default. Sends an OPTIONS message to determine registrar availability.
Polling Interval in seconds. Time between each OPTIONS sending message.
Response Timeout in second. Maximum waiting time for a response to a registrar polling.
Click Create
4- Verify that the Sip registration registrar was successfully created message appears
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