Introduced in release 2.6.44, it is now possible to use routing scripts to ask for the recording of incoming and/or outgoing call legs.
See example filter script "call_recording" (created by default in Web Portal routing scripts starting with 2.6.44) for an example.
Recording the incoming call leg
To record the incoming call leg, the routing script (in a "after filter" for example) has to set the following parameter:
Recording the outgoing call leg
To record the outgoing call leg, the routing script (in a "after filter" for example) has to set the following parameter, per route (the decision to record or not, or the file name to record to, can be set per matching route):
Record the outgoing call leg within incoming leg's recorded file (mixing)
Choosing the file path to record to
The value assigned to ":record_incoming" or ":record_outgoing" is the path to record the file to.
The paths can be absolute, or relative. When relative, they are relative to the "tbstreamserver" application working directory, for example:
Empty file name will default to a name that contains various information about the call:
LinkId: Id common between all legs of this call bridge
LegId: Unique Id for this leg
Nap: Current NAP name this call leg is from
Direction: "IN" or "OUT" (depends if call leg is incoming or outgoing leg)
Calling: The calling number of this call leg
Called: The called number of this call leg
Protocol: The signaling protocol of this call leg (SS7, ISDN, CAS, SIP)
Media info: Codec + IP/Port for SIP calls, Trunk/Timeslot for TDM calls
To record outgoing call leg in the same audio file as incoming call leg (mixing), use the following:
@{MixWithIncoming}: Record outgoing legs in same file as incoming legs
Variables can be used to insert in the recording path information that's not already available from routing scripts:
@{CURRENT_PKG}: Version of current package
Example: 2.6.45
@{DATE format}: Prints the date, where 'format' is expressed as described for the 'strftime' function
Example: @{DATE %Y-%m-%d} => 2013-01-28
@{DefaultName}: Replaced by the default file name for recording, which contains:
LinkId: Id common between all legs of this call bridge
LegId: Unique Id for this leg
Nap: Current NAP name this call leg is from
Direction: "IN" or "OUT" (depends if call leg is incoming or outgoing leg)
Calling: Calling number
Called: Called number
Protocol: Protocol type of this call (SS7, ISDN, CASR2, SIP)
Media info: Codec + IP/Port for SIP calls, Trunk/Timeslot for TDM calls
Example: "73EBA698-F3D67B4B-NAP_SS7-IN-5550000-5550001-SS7-TRUNK_BELL_11-24.wav"
Example: "73EBA698-73EBA698-NAP_SIP-OUT-5550000-5550001-SIP-G723-"
@{DefaultPath}: Default recording folder and file name: "@{RECORD_PATH}/@{DATE %Y-%m-%d}/@{DefaultName}"
Example: "/lib/tb/toolpack/setup/12358/recorded_calls/73EBA698-F3D67B4B-NAP_SS7-IN-5550000-5550001-SS7-TRUNK_BELL_11-24.wav"
Example: "/lib/tb/toolpack/setup/12358/recorded_calls/73EBA698-73EBA698-NAP_SIP-OUT-5550000-5550001-SIP-G723-"
@{Direction}: Direction of current leg (IN our OUT)
Example: IN
@{LegId}: Current LegId (Unique Id for this leg)
Example: F3D67B4B
@{LinkId}: Current LinkId (Id common between all legs of this call bridge)
Example: 73EBA698
@{PKG_HOME}: Path where packages are stored.
Note: It's not recomended to use that path on redundant systems, package file replication may cause confusion in recorded files.
Example: /lib/tb/toolpack/pkg
@{PROMPT_PATH}: Default path where audio prompts are stored
Note: It's not recomended to use that path on redundant systems, package file replication may cause confusion in recorded files.
Example: /lib/tb/toolpack/pkg/prompts
@{Protocol}: Protocol of current leg
Example: SS7
@{RECORD_PATH}: Default recording folder: "@{TB_SETUP_HOME}/recorded_calls/"
@{TBX_GW_PORT}: Current "System Id" (also called "Gateway Port")
Example: 12358
And all variables listed here: Building play or record file path
Last updated
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