Configure HTTPS certificates

If you created a HTTP service using HTTPS and want to have an officially signed certificate, follow these steps

1. Activate the HTTPS on the unit to have the system generate a self-signed certificate.

2. Log in as root using SSH to your unit and go to /lib/tb/toolpack/pkg/ssl_certificate.

  cd /lib/tb/toolpack/pkg/ssl_certificate

3. Create a 'certificate signing request' form and private key using the following command:

  openssl req -out CSR.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout privateKey.key

You will be prompted for information. One of the prompts is for the 'common name'. Set it to the URL that you will use to access the unit. If an IP address is used, we strongly recommend it to either be static or 'reserved' in the DHCP.

For example:

    -> common name =
    -> common name = myunit.lan

4. The previous step should have created two files:


5. Download the generated CSR.csr from your unit (using SCP) and sent it to your signing authority to get a signed certificate.

6. Once you have the signed certificate, upload it to your unit (using SCP) in the same directory as before.

7. Concatenate the private key and signed certificate and replace the contents of the file toolpack_cert.pem

   rm -f toolpack_cert.*
   cat privateKey.key <yoursignedcertificatefile>  > toolpack_cert.pem

8. Restart the Webportal process to load the new certificate.

   killall lighttpd

Using letsencrypt certificate for HTTPS

The following link describe how to configure letsencrypt certificate to use in Telcobridges products.

Last updated

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