Configuring SIP Registration for regular NAP
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A regular NAP is a NAP with a specific Proxy address (either IP address or FQDN from 3.1 onward). Configuring SIP Registration for a regular NAP requires no extra steps. A NAP that accepts SIP registration must be a Registrar. A Registrar accepts SIP registration requests from ProSBC after ProSBC receives the request from a remote SIP end point that wants to register on the registrar.
You must configure SIP Registration Domain(s) for your regular NAP and associate them with the regular NAP (Registrar).
To create a new NAP:
1- Click NAPs in the navigation panel
2- Click Create New NAP
3- Create the new NAP:
Enter a name for the NAP
Click Create
4- Verify that the NAP was successfully created message appears
5- Associate a SIP transport server with the new NAP:
Select a SIP Transport Server from the Available list
Click "<<" to associate the LAN_SIP_TS with the NAP
6- Enter SIP Server proxy address:
7- Associate a Port range with the new NAP:
Select a port range from the Available list
Click "<<" to associate LAN_Vlan:0 Port range with the NAP
8- Associate a SIP Domain with the new NAP. If you have more then 1 registrar domain using the same registrar you can associate all of them with the NAP:
Select a sip domain from the Available list
Click "<<" to associate the SIP Domain with the NAP
9- Configure settings for the following parameter groups as required:
Registration Parameters
Authentication Parameters
Network Address Translation
SIP-I Parameters
Advanced Parameters
Click Save
Note: If you are using multiple registrations to the same destination with different ports, you must add the port number in the Address to register too.