Configuration for STIR/SHAKEN with Transnexus' ClearIP service
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This document provides instructions on how to configure ProSBC to operate with the TransNexus ClearIP server. ClearIP is a SIP redirect server that provides advanced Least Cost Routing (LCR), fraud control and STIR (Secure Telephony Identity Revisited) / SHAKEN (Secure Handling of Asserted information using toKENs) features.
ProSBC 3.0.90 or a later version is needed to support secure caller ID using STIR/SHAKEN.
Note: STIR/SHAKEN is only supported on ProSBC.
This section provides the simplified network diagram containing two telephone service providers, and the call scenarios.
Source of ServiceProvider-A sends a call to ProSBC-A.
ProSBC-A forwards the call to ClearIP-A, which is a SIP redirect server providing LCR, fraud control, SHAKEN AS (Authentication Service) and other features.
ClearIP-A performs LCR, fraud control and SHAKEN AS logic, then sends one of the following responses to ProSBC-A
SIP 404 Not Found: No fraud or SHAKEN AS error is detected, and routing information is unavailable.
SIP 603 Decline: Fraud is detected or SHAKEN AS request fails.
SIP 3xx Redirect: Destination information (ProSBC-B of ServiceProvider-B) and a SIP Identity header including a digitally signed token that includes the calling number (secure caller ID).
ProSBC-A processes the response
SIP 404 Not Found: ProSBC-A tries the next destination configured in its local routing policy.
SIP 603 Decline: Proxies the response back to Source to block the call.
SIP 3xx Redirect: Forwards the call to ProSBC-B with the Identity header.
ProSBC-B forwards the call to ClearIP-B, which is a SIP redirect server providing fraud control, SHAKEN VS (Verification Service) and other features.
ClearIP-B performs fraud control and SHAKEN VS logic, and then sends one of the following SIP responses to ProSBC-B.
SIP 404 Not Found: No fraud or SHAKEN VS error is detected, and routing information is unavailable.
SIP 603 Decline: Fraud is detected or SHAKEN VS request fails.
SIP 3xx Redirect: Destination information (Destination of ServiceProvider-B) is attached.
ProSBC-B processes the response
SIP 404 Not Found: ProSBC-B tries the next destination configured in its local routing policy.
SIP 603 Decline: Proxies the response back to ProSBC-A to block the call.
SIP 3xx Redirect: Forwards the call to Destination.
Note: A variant scenario is that Destination of ServiceProvider-B is configured as the next destination in the local routing policy of ServiceProvider-B, ClearIP-B returns SIP 404 Not Found, then ProSBC-B does failover to Destination.
This section provides ProSBC configuration for the solution.
ProSBC is configured to use routing script to handle SIP 3xx Redirect response.
1. Enable routing script
2. Load routing scripts
Click here to download txnx_shaken.rb and txnx_routing.rb Routing Scripts
ClearIP-A and ClearIP-B are configured as NAP on ProSBC-A and ProSBC-B respectively. A general SIP endpoint, NAP-ANY, is configured on both ProSBC’s.
Note: To configure local routing policy with other destination NAPs, ClearIP NAPs should have the highest priority alone all destination NAPs.
NAP column is used to mark ClearIP as redirect server.
Both NAP_ClearIP-A and NAP_ClearIP-B are configured with NAP column server_type REDIRECT.
NAP_ANY are configured with NAP column server_type NORMAL.
A static route to NAP_ANY should be configured on both ProSBC’s to allow ProSBC to try the destination in the SIP 3xx response.
Enable SIP Custom Headers must be checked to pass SHAKEN Identity header and several other headers used by the solution.
Use legacy redirection mode must be unchecked to allow ProSBC to use routing script to handle SIP 3xx response.
Route retry action of 3xx, 404 and 603 must be configured to allow ProSBC to perform failover, fraud control and SHAKEN AS/VS request.
The default route retry action of 404 is Stop call.
The default route retry action of 603 is Continue call.